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Advantix Systems

Super Energy Saving method of cooling and dehumidifying air.
It can control humidity and temperature separately.  No need to over cool the air for dehumidification.  Therefore, low dewpoint at moderate temperature is always acheiveable.
Without overcooling, it easily saves energy from 30% and up to 80% compared to any conventional coil and solid desiccant system.
The secret is using Liquid Desiccant to cool and dehumidify the air at the same time. 

Machine size from ~1x0.8x1 m to 2.2x1.6x2.1 m. (W x L X H)

Air flow rate from 500 cfm to 3400 cfm and more.
It can be scalable to use in a small gym/office/restaurant to coliseum/shopping center/sports complex scale.
Please contact us for the most energy saving solution for your facility.

Some Customer List.

Theory      理論

It use the natural moisture absorption properties of LiCl to directly absorb the moisture from air. 

Usually, the latent (moisture) loading for normal indoor area is about 30%; for sports center, restaurants, indoor pool, crowded area, and humid weather, the latent load  will be around 50% to 80% or even 100% of the total cooling load.

It can replace / cooperate with the current HVAC system to dramatically reduce energy cost for cooling and dehumidification.  When the latent load is handled by this machine, your current AC system can work more efficiently as it can use its power to cool the air instead of removing humidity.

Unlike older Liquid desiccant air conditioner design which pump the whole cold diluted solution to the regeneration cycle.  By connecting the hot and cold liquid with a diffusion tunnel, the water diffuse from the cold side to the hot side as there is concentration difference.  The heat lost is minimized, therefore further reduce energy cost.







Schematic diagram       示意圖


The desiccant solution is regenerated inside the system, while the cold side always cold and the hot side always hot.  The water absorbing cold side will pass the water to the water evaporating hot side by diffusion.  This desiccant solution regeneration method greatly save energy compared to other desiccant type dehumidifier, such as desiccant wheel, which needed to heat up the cold solid desiccant wheel to very hot for regeneration; then cold the hot wheel back to very cold for moisture absorption; this heating and cooling process consumes a lot of energy.  




Products       機種


Size from small version (machine size as small as an office desk) to rooftop version (Big scale, machines size as a room).


It can also use renewable energy to further reduce energy cost.

- solar thermal

- waste heat from process

- cheaper source of chilling water

- river water / sea water

最小型的尺寸約如書枱的大少1.17 m X 0.84 m X 1.12 m,而大型屋頂型,尺寸 2.26 m X 1.88 m X 1.9 m。(W X D X H)


For more product information, please visit the following link


For case studies, and some applications, please vist the following link


Advantages       優勢


1. Energy Saving - use low grade thermal energy to create a very low dew point.  
2. Improve IAQ: kill bacteria, remove very fine particles,  odor
3. No dew will form inside the machine, no chance for mold
4. Temperature and humidity can be control separately.  Cool and humid weather is not a problem for us.
5. Can warm and humidify air during winter.


1. 大量節能 - 可用高溫的冷源來制造低的露點
2. 可以改進 IAQ:殺菌,除臭,除微塵
3. 系統內部沒有冷凝水,不存有發霉之可能。
4. 濕度及溫度可以分開控制。低溫及高濕環境,可維持鮮風量但不會過濕或過低溫。
5. 冬季時可以同時加熱及放濕。
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