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Some articles and Job references:

Below are some articles about Advantix systems

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Staying Dry & Comfortable With Liquid Desiccants

Let a scientist with experience both at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and on the manufacturer side discuss the possibilities of a newer dehumidification technology within the framework of the same old moisture challenges.

By Dr. Phil Farese

June 1, 2013

Engineered Systems Magazine


November 2011



January 29, 2013

Dehumidification + Cooling: A better mousetrap

The Economist


January 5, 2013

Artificial cooling makes hot places bearable - but a worryingly high cost

Hotel Technology forum


December 20, 2012

Hotel Group Utilizes Salt Water Tech to Cut Energy Cost

Healthy Facilities Institute


February 13, 2013

Coral Springs Christian Academy

Reduces Mold Using Liquid Desiccant Technology

Below are some Case studies and Job references

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Overall operating costs were lowered by 30%, and maintenance costs were significantly reduced

All the above Hotels benefit in Energy saving and IAQ improvements.


Treat the outside hot and humid air supply to

Temp: 72 F (22.2 C)

R. H. : 50 %

Overall operating costs were lowered by 20%,  total equipment tonnage were reduced, maintenance is easier, and improvement  in IAQ.  More outside fresh air at a lower cost.

A Fitness Center located in Florida


Problems (odors, sweat do not dry, feel uncomfortable, wet floor...) related with humidity are gone; and as the lowered humidity, the temperature can be set higher from 72 F (21 C) to 77 F (25 C) for extra energy saving; while all the users still feels clean and comfortable.

More Case studies

please click to see details, for other specific cases, please contact Evergreen Environmental Technology for details.

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