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Cyclone - X       for outdoor.


旋風 (Cyclone-X) -戶外大型用(~5000平方尺),防水,可代替石油氣蚊機。低營運成本,不浪費石油資源(電費少於一元一日,石油氣蚊機約幾百元一個月)。蚊蟲在機內被打死及自動排出,非常低維護成本,沒有石油氣機的維護問題。合地盤,花園,會所,球場,貨倉使用。

Designed to replace the un-environmental propane (LPG) mosquito machine.
It has the advantages of:
Low running cost (electricity cost <HKD1/day, while LPG cost several hundred HKD / month)
Low maintenance cost (it is designed to minimize the consumable parts. Almost no consumable parts except the UV tube)
Almost worry free design: Mosquitoes are killed inside the machine by the patented mechanism and cleaned automatically.

建議安裝方法:電源 -> 漏電斷路掣(水氣制) -> 時間制(16:00-09:00) -> 旋風
Suggested installation method: power source -> Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker -> Timer (16:00-09:00) -> Cyclone-X

During summer, there is a possibility that the Cyclone will be overheated when operating directly under sunlight (If this happened, please cut off the power supply, wait until the Cyclone is cooled down, it should be working again; this is the over-heat protection system).  Further, mosquitoes and other insects will most likely hide away during that time.  So, we suggested installing the timer for this reason.


Maintenance: Please clean the internal of the cyclone every month by removing the lower cover.  When during any maintenance, make sure the main power source is off.

旋風使用手冊 ---- 按此
Cyclone Manual  -----    Please click

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