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IAQ information   室內空氣質素參考

如要保持室內空間之二氧化碳(CO2)含量可以合乎卓越級之要求(<800 ppm),即表示每個室內人員要有 20 cfm(34 cubic meters / hour / occupant)的新鮮空氣供應。
​當有足夠的鮮風量時,最大問題會是怎樣處理戶外鮮風的高濕度?處理夏天戶外氣(30C, 80%RH)至合理室內氣(25C, 50%RH)80%的能量是用在除濕。而春天會是100%的能量用在除濕。很不幸地,現在所有空調設計都是降溫,除濕便要超降溫。要有25C, 50%RH,即表示進入室內的空氣最少要冷凍至13C,而這每人20cfm的風量,而室內沒有高發熱的設備,即室內最終會低於20C。所以以前會有非常浪費的再加熱系統設計,現在已經禁用了。

1.   結果所有場地在舒適濕度時,就會過冷。

2.    而當溫度在25C時,就會很濕。(一般人會覺得很焗促,而且這濕度對細菌孳生是很有利的,眼見的有發霉,
請致電本公司安排免費實地計算。如用本機來處理100%鮮風,一般可以減少30%以上的空調電力開支。而且安裝及設計簡易,效果明顯,可用最少能量做到25C, 50%RH。當進入室內之空氣是常溫,乾燥,清潔時,整個空氣系統都可更容易保持常溫,乾爽及清潔。
To all facility managers,
To maintain the CO2 level suitable for IAQ Excellence class (<800 ppm), the fresh air rate will be at least 20 cfm per occupant.  If your facility is a gym room or with open fire equipment, the fresh air rate has to increase.
When the fresh air rate is enough for IAQ Excellence CO2 level,  the problem is how to treat the fresh air (30C, 80%RH)to a suitable condition(25C, 50%RH).   The major energy used for treating outdoor air during summer is dehumidification, > 80% energy, or SHR ~ 0.2.   During spring, outdoor air is (20C, 100%RH), all the energy are used for dehumidification. 
However, most current available equipments are designed for sensible cooling.  Dehumidification is done by overcooling the air to below the wet bulb temperature.  If 25C, 50%RH is wanted, the air leaving the AC coil has to be lowered than 13C for suitable %RH when heat up; with the 20 cfm per occupant fresh air supply, also the sensible heat generated inside the facility is very little, the resulting temperature will be <20C.  There was wasteful reheat (dual coil) system in the past but now banned.


1.  When comfortable humidity is achieved, the temperature will be very low.  This case does not cause many problems,
       people will complain about too cold or blame the facility not environmental friendly.
2.  When temperature is set at 25C, the humidity will be very high (always > 70%RH).  High humidity will increase the
       wet bulb temperature; at 25C, 70%RH, water will condense on everything lower than 20C.  Once water is condensed
       out, it is very favorable for mold, bacteria, insects to breed, rust, wet floor, electric short circuit....   You can find
       mold, water drippings, and bad smell easily in any shopping centre nowadays as the facility managers tried to
       increase the set temperature for energy saving.   However, they do not control moisture.
Please call us for a free presentation and measurement.  We can provide the best, most energy efficient way to create a very favorable IAQ.   Such as 25C, 50%RH.
At lower humidity, problem such as equipments rust, decoration mold, wet floor dry slowly, bad smell, bacteria,  AHU drainage problems;  All can be solved.







1. 溫度

2. 濕度

3. 可吸人懸浮粒子

4. 空氣中細菌  

5. CO2 (代表鮮風量)

一般冷凍抽濕系統在不熱但潮濕之天氣(春天)不能同時滿足溫度及濕度之要求:控制溫度在 20-25C 就不能控制濕度;除濕就會使溫度很低。目前一般的方法是把空氣過量冷凍,之後把乾燥的空氣加熱至舒適的溫度;或任由場地過份寒冷;或用固體除濕輪;或任由場地過濕->結果常常有發霉,細菌,生銹之情況

而維持室內CO2 的含量等於要大量新鮮空氣,而戶外空氣最大問題分別是

1. 潮濕     -大量發霉,細菌,異味,生銹。

2. 塵(懸浮粒子)-加大清潔工作量。 

3. 最後才是溫度 -不舒適。


1. 可獨立控制溫度及濕度,可以做成常溫低濕度環境。


(可把溫度設定在25C, 50%RH;人會有等同21C,    65%RH 的舒適度;而每高1C的室溫設定,總冷凍開支 可減約6%)

2. 高效除塵:80%的PM5以上微粒清除(PM5包括:致敏 原,霉菌孢子,空氣傳播之飛沫)

3. 高效殺菌:90%以上的細菌清除。
   (報告可使空氣細菌量低於 100 cfu / m3)

4. 除臭

5. 機內沒有冷凝水,而且因為高濃度的鹽水是有殺菌防霉 防腐除臭功能,所以機內不可能發霉或成為細菌之溫  床。


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